Absinthe Effects
The effects of absinthe or the identified effects of absinthe were accountable for the massive popularity absinthe experienced in Europe around the nineteenth century. The effects of absinthe also added onto the drink’s aura and mystery. The public discourse of the effects was very overstated that absinthe was eventually banned from Europe and US for the majority of part of the twentieth century.
However, absinthe has produced an excellent comeback in Europe with many countries lifting the ban on absinthe after new studies showed that it does not contain high levels of harmful chemicals that can potentially impair the brain activity. In 19th century Europe, absinthe was virtually worshipped for its mind opening qualities. Absinthe has had a very long romantic connection to the art world. It wasn’t unusual to find great writers and painters having absinthe in cafes and having animated discussions on various issues.
Absinthe has a thing that hardly any other liquor has; it provides each drinker a clear headed type of inebriation. This is surprising since it includes an extremely high percentage of alcohol, usually in the range of 50% to 70%. People expect to feel drunk given the high alcohol content, but alternatively there’s a bizarre clearness of thought. It’s this property of absinthe that motivated the famous French poet Arthur Rimbaud to comment “the darkest forest melts into an open meadow” after a glass of the green fairy. Many have professed that absinthe fires up the brain and unlocks imaginative powers.
Part of the fun is in the elaborate ritual you must follow to prepare an absinthe drink. The most beautiful effect is that even if you feel drunk as well as your body gets slightly impaired as it takes place with every other alcoholic drink your mind remains sharp and clear. You can actually feel, taste, listen, and smell much better than before and surprisingly colors seem brighter than normal.
Absinthe consists of herbs, and wormwood is one of the main herbs utilised in its making. Thujone, a substance which is naturally found in absinthe is responsible for the results of absinthe. How thujone creates such effects stays unknown. What thujone does is that it removes the blocks in the mind and senses thus enabling the mind and the senses to operate at full efficiency. Our subconscious and conscious consciousness start to come together thus strengthening our creative, perceptive, and intellectual abilities.
Modern day science agrees that thujone as well as other ingredients in absinthe enhance the cognitive functions of the brain. However, it is very important to know that the effects don’t go very far and because absinthe has high alcohol content our recommendation is that it be drunk reasonably. Absinth should never be drunk neat. To experience the pleasing absinthe effects it must be sipped slowly.
Consuming, possessing, and processing absinthe has become legal in the European Union. Nevertheless, production and sale of absinthe in the US is still banned but drinking and ownership of absinthe isn’t a crime. People in the USA can get absinthe on the web from non-US producers.