Learning What is Absinthe alcohol?
Lots of people around the globe are asking “What is Absinthe alcohol?” because we seem to be experiencing an Absinthe revival at the moment. Absinthe is seen as a trendy and mysterious drink that is associated with Bohemian artists and writers absinthesupreme, films such as “From Hell” and “Moulin Rouge” and celebrities just like Johnny Depp as well as Marilyn Manson. Manson has even had his personal Absinthe produced called “Mansinthe”!
Van Gogh, Gauguin, Degas, Pablo Picasso, Oscar Wilde and Ernest Hemingway talked of Absinthe offering them their inspiration and genius. They even named the Green Fairy their muse. Absinthe features in many creative works – The Absinthe drinker by Picasso, The Absinthe Drinker by Manet and also L’Absinthe by Degas . The writer Charles Baudelaire likewise wrote about that in his poetry too. Absinthe has definitely inspired great works and has had an incredible influence on history.
What is Absinthe Alcohol?
Absinthe is usually an anise flavoured, high proof alcohol. It usually is served with iced water to dilute it and to allow it to louche. Henri-Louis Pernod distilled it in early nineteenth century by using a wine alcohol base flavored with natural herbs and plants. Traditional herbs used in Absinthe production consist of wormwood, aniseed, fennel, star anise, hyssop and lemon balm, and also many more. Spanish Absenta, the Spanish term for Absinthe, tends to be a bit sweeter than French or Swiss Absinthe because it uses a unique form of anise, Alicante anise.
Legend has it that Absinthe was made while in the late 18th century by Dr Pierre Ordinaire as an elixir for his patients in Couvet, Switzerland. The recipe subsequently got into the hands of two sisters who began selling it as being a drink in the town and in the end sold it towards a Major Dubied whose daughter married to the Pernod family – all the rest is, as we say, history!
By 1805, Pernod had opened up a distillery in Pontarlier, France and started producing Absinthe under the name “Pernod Fils” and, through the middle of the nineteenth century, the Pernod company was producing over 30,000 liters of Absinthe per day! Absinthe even grew to become more popular than wine in France.
Absinthe had its prime while in the Golden Age of La Belle Epoque in France. However, it became linked to drugs such as heroin, cocain and cannabis and was charged with having psychedelic outcomes. Prohibitionists, doctors and wine makers, who have been upset with Absinthe’s level of popularity, all ganged up against Absinthe and were able to persuade the French Government to suspend the beverage in 1915.
The good thing is, Absinthe has since been used. Studies and tests have indicated that Absinthe is no more dangerous than almost every other strong liquor and that no cause hallucinations or damage people’s health. The claims of the early 20th century are now considered as mass hysteria and falsehoods. It had been legalized within the EU in 1988 and also the USA have granted various brands of Absinthe to be distributed in the US since 2007.
You can read a little more about its past and intriguing facts on absinthebuyersguide.com and also the Buyer’s Guide and forum at lafeeverte.net. The forum is effective since there are reviews on distinct Absinthes. You can buy Absinthe essences, that produce real wormwood Absinthe, in addition to replica Absinthe glasses as well as spoons at AbsintheKit.com.
So, what is Absinthe alcohol? It is a mythical, mysterious drink with an incredible history.