Choose No-Calorie Water To Lose Weight
Some experts say that water only is the best drink. Is this true?
Chemists have long recognized water as a substance having unusual and unique properties that one would not at first sight expect from a small molecule having the formula H2O. It is generally agreed that the special properties of water stem from the tendency of its molecules to associate, forming short-lived and ever-changing polymeric units that are sometimes described as “clusters”. These clusters are more conceptual than physical in nature; they have no directly observable properties, and their transient existence (on the order of picoseconds) does not support an earlier view that water is a mixture of polymers (H2O)n in which n can have a variety of values. Instead, the currently favored model of water is one of a loosely-connected network that might best be described as one huge “cluster” whose internal connections are continually undergoing rearrangement.
Any uncertainty that the chemistry community may have about the nature and existence of water clusters is not apparently shared by the various “inventors” who have not only “discovered” these elusive creatures, but who claim findings that science has never even dreamed of! These promoters have spun their half-baked crackpot chemistry into various watery nostrums that they say are essential to your health and able to cure whatever-ails-you. These beneficences are hawked to the more gullible of the general public, usually in the form of a “concentrate” that you can add to your drinking water— all for a $20-$50 charge on your credit card.
Some of these hucksters claim to make the water into clusters” that are larger, smaller, or hexagonal-shaped, allowing them to more readily promote “cellular hydration” and remove “toxins” from your body.
The fact is that none of these views has any significant support in the scientific communities of chemistry, biochemistry, or physiology, nor are they even considered worthy of debate. The only places you are likely to see these views advocated are in literature (and on Web sites) intended to promote the sale of these products to consumers in the notoriously credulous “alternative” health and “dietary supplement” market.
If you’re exercising solely to lose weight, no-calorie water is the best choice. “But for those who don’t like the taste of water, the added flavor of low-cal sports drinks may help you stay hydrated without too many additional calories,” Kundrat says. Look for 10 calories or less per 8-ounce serving — any higher could negate your workout gains.
Next to plain water is the tried and true Gatorade, which is pretty much the same as it was over 3 decades ago. Still they are dependent on the formula of normal sugars (fructose, sucrose, and glucose in this case), potassium and sodium – end of the story. In comparison of water it will help in increasing your exercise performance by supplying good hydration and ready energy. But it’s “old school”. There are better, more advance and effective formulas on the market.And no one suggests using Gatorade after or before the training. It doesn’t work before training because the concentration of carbs is a bit too high, and their use of pure simple sugars could easily lead to rebound hypoglycemia, which would compromise your performance. And it doesn’t work after training due to the lack of protein and other recuperative nutrients. Actually, Gatorade’s are just a watered down soda without having fizz.
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